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EAN : 9783836541213
740 pages
Taschen (03/11/2012)
4.9/5   5 notes
Résumé :
aucun résume trouvé
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Une traduction lamentable, des coquilles pleins les pages, malgré cela des reproductions de grandes qualités et une biographie mêlée d'analyses relativement pertinentes et intéressantes.
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Vidéo de  Taschen
On Tuesday, December 11th, 100 VIP guests were at TASCHEN Beverly Hills to celebrate the release of the new Limited Edition book Rocky. The Complete Films.
Hosted by publisher Benedikt Taschen and famed sports photographer Neil Leifer, guests joined Sylvester Stallone to receive an exclusive first look at the book, which features hundreds of images from the making of the Rocky films – including many on-set photographs by Leifer – alongside material from the Academy Library and MGM archives.
After sharing a few words detailing the process of making the book and expressing thanks, Mr. Taschen and Mr. Stallone – who was accompanied by his wife Jennifer and daughter Sophia – posed for photographs and talked with guests. The select crowd included Arnold Schwarzenegger, as well as Marlene and Charlotte Taschen.
Each of the 2,000 signed copies is accompanied by a print of Mr. Stallone's Finding Rocky (1975), a painting he completed before writing the script, and a facsimile of Mr. Stallone's handwritten notebook for the first installment of the franchise (circa 1975), which describes dialogue, scenes, and ideas for Rocky, as well as the original unused ending.
Find the book at

Direction: Bradley Wilder Executive Production: Jonas Scheler Editing: Hagen Hinkelmann

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Quelle romancière publie "Les Hauts de Hurle-vent" en 1847 ?

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