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398 pages
Self publishing (16/06/2020)
4.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Are you ready to meet the next generation of faeries?

When my father, the King of Neverra, forced my hand into the Cauldron to cement a political alliance with the Farrows, I thought my night couldn’t get any worse. But lo and behold, it did. On top of being engaged to Remo Farrow, the rudest fae in my kingdom, I now have to repay a bargain I struck to get out of trouble.

A bargain that sends me hurtling into a world of trouble.
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Que lire après The Lost Clan, tome 5 : Reckless cruel heirsVoir plus
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"Why would my pulse respond to you? I’m not afraid of you.”
The corners of his lips ticked up.
“I’m not,” I said, stressing the not part.
“Well if it isn’t fear, then that leaves attraction.”
Like a wave, the blood drained from my face before flooding right back inside. “I’m definitely not attracted to you. I have standards.”
The intensity of his smile turned up. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” The blood still pounded in my veins, but for a completely different reason now.
He was still smiling. “And what are those standards of yours?”
“I’m kind.”
“Not to me you aren’t.”
I didn’t think his smile could get any wider, but it did.
Still smirking, he folded his arms, which somehow made his chest appear broader.
“Not redheads.”
His smirk intensified.
“And not of Farrow descent.”
“So, just not me?” He dipped his chin into his neck, grin intact.
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